
Welcome to the PTVR web site


Questions et/ou à définir avec Pierre (à discuter de vive voix, i.e. pas urgent) :

– est ce que je peux essayer avec d’autres thèmes wordpress ?

– Comment mettre 2 figures côte à côte ?

– Sur la page web, la  partie ascenseur à gauche prend trop de largeur.

– comment gérer l’interligne dans le texte simple ?


Les TESTS préliminaires:

Commencons par une formule :

Latex formula



Coordinates Systems (c’est le heading 1)

Spherical coordinate systems (c’est le heading 2)

The perimetric System (c’est le heading 3)

Static image of the perimetric system (figure created with GeoGebra)

Terminology for the 3 coordinates in PTVR is shown in the figure on the right:

– Half-meridian (from 0° to 360°) – abbreviation : HM

– Eccentricity (from 0° to 180°) – abbreviation : Ecc

– Radial distance (in meters) – abbreviation : RD

Distance (in meters) between Origin and P (not shown in the figure for clarity)


The point P in the world is defined here by the following coordinates (HM: 135 °, Ecc: 20°, RD: any value value in meters)




The following figure is a horizontal rotation (i.e. about the Y axis) of the perimetric system to help visualize its 3D structure.

Horizontal rotation (i.e. about Y axis) of the perimetric system (created with GeoGebra)

Static viewLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam convallis nisi sed metus vulputate, et aliquet sapien rhoncus. Duis sit amet porttitor odio. Morbi non lobortis nibh, in mollis orci. Aliquam sed magna ante. Curabitur rutrum urna at ultricies sagittis. Aenean maximus diam id blandit cursus. Nunc euismod laoreet lacus et vestibulum. Vivamus vitae ornare ligula, sed pretium urna. Suspendisse lacinia eros eu tellus dapibus elementum. Quisque convallis risus ligula, vitae lacinia urna pharetra








The following figure helps visualize the effect of varying the Half-meridian from 0° to 360° (while keeping Eccentricity constant at 15°).

Constant eccentricity (15°) + varying Half-meridian from 0° to 360° (created with GeoGebra)



Mauris sed ante ut dolor placerat semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean tincidunt nisi nec placerat feugiat. Phasellus scelerisque lorem nec tortor pulvinar, vel consectetur odio aliquam. Donec maximus ante a vulputate ultrices. Aliquam sagittis elit vel ornare sagittis. Praesent accumsan in








The following figure helps visualize the effect of varying the Eccentricity from 0° to 30° (while keeping Half-meridian constant at 135°).

Constant Half-meridian angle (135°) + varying eccentricity from 0° to 30° (created with GeoGebra)




Pellentesque rutrum, ante nec tristique elementum, augue velit cursus tellus, eu viverra felis lectus quis nisl.

tempus, sagittis varius ex molestie.








Projection of Spherical coordinate systems on plane (c’est le heading 2)

The perimetric System (c’est le heading 3)


Projection of P on a fronto-parallel plane : constant Eccentricity (15°) with varying Half-meridian from 0° to 360° (created with GeoGebra)


















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