This VR platform will be developed by a pluridisciplinary consortium made of three partners that combine expertise in:
- visual neuroscience (CNRS/Aix Marseille University – AMU, Cognitive Psychology Laboratory, Coordinator : Eric Castet),
- computer vision (Inria Sophia Antipolis, Biovision lab – Members concerned: Pierre Kornprobst, Hui-Yin Wu, Johanna Delachambre, Jérémy Termoz-Masson), and
- VR ergonomics (AMU, Mediterranean Virtual Reality Center – Members concerned: Daniel Mestre and Jean-Marie Pergandi).
Importantly, DEVISE will benefit from the involvement of a clinical centre specialised in retinopathies, the Monticelli-Paradis Ophthalmology Center(MPOC), that will enable us to clinically test the efficiency and usability of our prototypes with patients over the project.