Recommendation for a postdoc candidate

Dear colleague,

A candidate applying to an open position in my lab has indicated you as a potential referee.

I would be very grateful if you could help me in assessing his/her suitability for this position by filling in the questionnaire below (10 minutes max).

Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,

Eric Castet
Directeur de Recherches – UMR 7077 CRPN – Équipe SMP
Aix-Marseille Université – CNRS – Fédération de recherche 3C
Site ST CHARLES – 3 Place Victor Hugo – 13003 Marseille
Tél: +33(0)4 13 55 09 83

  • Referees may be assured that all provided information will be treated in strict confidence.
  • All fields are required

About you

The candidate

General assessement

Rating candidate abilities

Regarding the following characteristics, how would you rate the applicant compared with other students you have known? Please fill in your vote where you feel you have sufficient knowledge of the applicant to make an assessment.

Academic ability

Professional ability

Workload capacity

Leadership potential


Organizational skills

Aptitude to autonomous study

Moral qualities - honesty, integrity

Consideration for others

Sociability: the ability to mix with others in community living


Common sense and judgment

Adaptability to new situations


Emotional stability and capacity to cope with stress

Final recommendation

Please assist us in the selection process by choosing one of the following, as applicable:

We thank you for your time and your help in our recruitment process. By clicking on "Send your recommendation", your information will be sent to the team members in charge of the job offer.

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